新关注 > 信息聚合 > 美团大众点评合并:支付宝也挺头疼


U.S. group public comment merge: PayPal is also quite a headache Sina

2015-10-07 21:57:55来源: 新浪

欢迎关注“创事记”的微信订阅号:sinachuangshiji 文/魏武挥 1 今天圈子里到处在传一则流言:美团和大众点评要合并。涉事两家公司都言之凿凿地表示纯属谣言,但这事看着,还是,和真的一样。 媒体广为引征的文字里有这样一段:两家现有股东将权益注入新组建的境外公司,...

welcome attention "a antiquities" micro channel subscription number: sinachuangshiji / Weiwu wave 1 today circle in everywhere in a rumor: group and the public comments to merge. The two companies are involved with certainty that rumor, but it looked like, or, really. Media widely cited in the text of this paragraph: two existing shareholders will inject equity into the newly established foreign companies,...