新关注 > 信息聚合 > 10个最不靠谱的夏季驱蚊方法 你中招了吗

10个最不靠谱的夏季驱蚊方法 你中招了吗

10 summer most do not fly repellent way you caught yet

2016-06-10 21:59:02来源: 人民网江苏视窗

原标题:10个最不靠谱的夏季驱蚊方法 夏天,除了吃西瓜、吹空调的美好记忆,还有不得不提的“人蚊大战”。尤其盛夏时节,蚊子出没,扰人又吸血。 网上流传不少驱蚊偏方,用驱蚊草驱蚊、维生素B1驱蚊...

Original title: 10 most do not fly repellent summer summer method, in addition to eating watermelon, blowing air memories, and I must mention the "mosquito war." In particular, the height of summer, mosquito-infested, and disturbing vampire. Circulated on the Internet a lot of mosquito repellent recipe, use mosquito repellent M. buster, vitamin B1 repellent ...