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郭德纲调侃林志颖喝防腐剂 惊人逆生长明星曝光

Guo Degang teased Jimmy Lin drank antiseptic striking inverse growth star exposure

2015-02-07 20:55:23来源: 东北网

郭德纲调侃林志颖喝防腐剂 河北新闻网讯(灵犀)郭德纲与林志颖两位男星因为同龄经常被调侃成父子,面对调侃,郭德纲发声“林志颖喝防腐剂”,以此对网友的调侃进行“回击”。原来,近日,网络疯传一张郭德纲、...

Guo Degang teased Jimmy Lin drank antiseptic Hebei News Network (linked) Guo Degang and Jimmy Lin two the actor because the age is often ridicule of father and son, in the face of ridicule, Guo Degang sound "Jimmy Lin drink, in order to carry out" preservatives "riposte to the fun". In fact, recently, the network crazy biography of a piece of Guo Degang,...