新关注 > 信息聚合 > 光大分利宝刘维国:好资产就是最好的风控


Liu Weiguo: good assets into Everbright liberty is the best risk control

2016-07-01 19:18:19来源: 新浪

巧妇难为无米之炊 面对烂资产,风控水平再高也没用,所谓风控也就失去存在的意义 立足可控的实体产业,围绕其上下游做配套金融产品,为实业而金融,用金融促实业,一直是光大分利宝的行为准则和生存法宝...

Make bricks without straw with the bad assets, risk control level is not used, the so-called risk control will lose the meaning of existence based on controllable industrial entities, around the upstream and downstream supporting financial products, industry and finance, finance and promote industry has been Everbright Liberty's code of conduct and survival magic weapon.