距离4月13日WCA2015职业预选赛(中国区)开赛只有不到半个月的时间了,今天我们有幸采访到了上届(WCA2014)DOTA2世界冠军Newbee战队的老队员Sansheng。采访中Sansheng提到:当真正遇到挑战的时候,我们会调整到最好的状态。 WCA:Sansheng你好,你...
occupation from April 13th WCA2015 qualifying (Chinese District) starting in just less than half a month's time, we have the honor to the last day (WCA2014) DOTA2 world champion team members of the old Sansheng Newbee. In an interview with Sansheng said: when the real challenges, we will adjust to the best state. Hi WCA:Sansheng, you...