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滚蛋吧暴龙君 全民奇袭《石器时代2-3D正版》幼龙王

Go to hell national Bao Longjun surprise "stone age 2-3D genuine" young dragon king

2015-08-21 10:18:23来源: 多玩游戏

《石器时代2-3D正版》是由韩国Netmarble Games Corp.正版授权、国内知名发行商掌趣科技发行的3D回合制RPG手游,游戏根据经典端游石器改编,并以3D画面重新归来!不变的清新画风与可爱萌宠,《石器时代2-3D正版》在这个炎炎夏日为你带来了别样的清爽感受! 每晚9点,...

"stone age 2-3D genuine is by the South Korean netmarble games Corp. genuine empowerment, domestic well-known publisher palm interested in the distribution of science and technology of 3D RPG mobile games, game based on classic end tour stone adapted and by the 3D picture return! Constant fresh style and the cute pet, "stone age 2-3D genuine" in the summer for you brought different kind of fresh feeling! 9 points per night,...