新关注 > 信息聚合 > 十年磨一剑《风云三国志》给你全新国战体验


Ten years grinding sword "wind and cloud of the Three Kingdoms" give you a new national war experience

2015-08-21 10:14:25来源: 天极网

不论是在哪个时代,建功立业称王封侯都是男人的梦想;《风云三国志》公测在即,将为您提供一个真实的三国战场,不论是热血激情的大国之争,还是侠骨柔情的江湖之旅,《风云三国志》绝不会让你失望;众多特色玩法,100%强化成功、顶级装备唾手可得、 超强特色福利,《风云三国志》等您来揭开全新的历史篇章...

no matter in which era, to make contributions to the monkey king is a man's dream; the wind and cloud of the Three Kingdoms beta soon, for you to provide a real Three Kingdoms battlefield, whether it is the passion of the country, or my darling Clementine arena tour, "wind and cloud of the Three Kingdoms" in no way will let you down; many characteristics of play, 100% strengthen success, top equipment readily available, super characteristics of welfare, "wind and cloud of the Three Kingdoms" waiting for you to uncover a new chapter in the history.