新关注 > 信息聚合 > 深扒魔戒与魔兽世界的相似点——建筑篇


Deep grilled in Lord of the rings and world of Warcraft similarities -- building

2015-08-21 15:06:36来源: 17173

【17173整理报道】 前言:曾经最火爆的网游《魔兽世界》和最炫目的电影《魔戒》系列居然有那么多的相似。今天小编就为玩家扒一扒魔兽和魔戒的相似点,文章篇幅较长,因此分为建筑篇、种族篇和情节篇,小编保证——看完这篇文章,你会对《魔戒》和《魔兽世界》有更深的认识。本篇为《魔戒》与《魔兽世...

[17173 reports finishing] Objective: once one of the most popular online games "world of Warcraft" and the most dazzling movie "the Lord of the rings" series actually have so many similarities. Today Xiaobian for internationally grilled steak Warcraft and Lord of the rings similarities, article length is longer, so building, race and plot article, Xiaobian assurance -- after reading this article, you will to "the Lord of the rings" and "world of Warcraft" have a deeper understanding. This article is a "Lord of the rings" and "world of warcraft...

标签: 魔兽世界