新关注 > 信息聚合 > 魔兽世界国服时光徽章价格今日将再回7万


World of Warcraft national service time badge today will return to 70000 price

2015-05-05 12:45:58来源: 科技讯

时光徽章在国服上架以来,其价格一直居高不下, 最高峰时曾达到76000金币以上,虽然随后价格有所回落,但一直在5万上下浮动,今日早间价格更是再次开始飙升,中午11点半为止,价格已经涨到66984金币,以现在的势头来看,今日有望再次突破7万大关。 【科技讯】5月5日消息,时光徽章在国服...

time badge in the country since the shelves, the price has been high, the peak reached 76000 more than gold, although the prices have come down, but has been floating in 50000, today morning price is soaring again, until eleven thirty at noon the price of gold, has risen to 66984, with the momentum now, today is expected to break the 70000 mark again. [news] May 5th Francisco, time badge in the country...

标签: 魔兽世界