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不在怕被骗点卡 魔兽世界虚拟券简介

Not in the virtual world of Warcraft introduction fear cheated card voucher

2015-03-03 11:17:27来源: 天极网

《魔兽世界》虚拟券即将登陆艾泽拉斯世界,这一全新的游戏内道具可允许玩家便捷且安全地进行游戏时间和游戏金币之间的交换。 玩家可通过游戏内的商城购买到魔兽世界虚拟券(也就是使用战网点数进行购买),之后便可以挂在拍卖行,以当前的市场价格进行交易(换取金币)。当另一名玩家使用金币购买到虚拟券...

"World of Warcraft" virtual coupon is about to visit the world of Azeroth, a new in-game items can exchange between the game player allows convenient and safe to play time and gold. Game player to buy World of Warcraft virtual ticket through in-game Mall (also is to use battle.net points to buy), then you can hang in the auction, traded in the current market price (for gold). When another game player to use gold to buy virtual coupon...

标签: 魔兽世界