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别了,天空 魔兽世界或将永久取消自由飞行

Don't the, sky world of Warcraft or will be permanently canceled free flight

2015-05-24 01:48:56来源: 17173

曾几何时,我们已经忘记了艾泽拉斯大陆的天空原本并不允许自由翱翔,已经习惯了帅气的召唤出一条龙或是其他的什么飞行坐骑,呼的一声冲上云霄消失在远方。在穿越了黑暗之门来到德拉诺后,禁飞让我们又一次感受到这个世界的庞大,以及飞行的便利。日前,魔兽世界首席战斗设计师Ion Hazzikostas在...

once upon a time, we have forgotten Azeroth sky originally does not allow free to soar, have become accustomed to the handsome summon a dragon or any other flying mounts, call a sound chongshangyunxiao vanished in the distance. In through the dark portal to Draenor after fly let us once again feel the world at large, as well as flight convenience. Recently, Hazzikostas Ion, chief battle designer at Warcraft world...

标签: 魔兽世界