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大话西游手游首测激活码怎么得 激活码获得方法

Westward Journey tour first test activation code to get the activation code method for obtaining

2015-05-25 10:47:36来源: 4399

问:大话西游手游首测激活码怎么得?大话西游手游首测激活码获得方法。 答: “寻找兄弟计划”是大话西游手游对坚守大话2十三年忠实玩家的首次召集,玩家参与之后即有机会获得万众期待的大话西游手游情义激活码,获得大话西游手游首次与大家见面时的进入资格及情义礼包。想在大话西游手游正式上市之前先睹...

Q: Westward Journey tour the first test activation code how? Westward Journey Mobile Games first test activation method. Answer: "looking for brother program is Westward Journey tour to adhere to the big 2 13 years of loyal players convened for the first time, players after that have a chance to get the much anticipated Westward Journey online travel friendship activation code, Westward Journey tour for the first time we meet the entry qualification and friendship package. Want to see Mobile Games officially listed before the journey to the west...

标签: 手游 大话西游