新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《魔兽世界》怀旧服:“巫妖王之怒”将于9月27日上线


Worldofwarcraft nostalgic suit: "Wrath of the Lich King" will be launched on September 27

2022-07-26 09:15:42来源: 游戏时光

暴雪宣布,“巫妖王之怒”将于北京时间 9 月 27 日上午 6 点于全球同步上线《魔兽世界》经典怀旧服。视频地址“巫妖王之怒”将带来一系列的优化功能与经典内容:死亡骑士崛起——死亡骑士是《魔兽世界》的首个英雄职业,初始等级为 55 级,可以加入任意阵营。当年玩家在每个服务器仅能创建一个死亡骑士角色,并且要求在该服务器中拥有一个 55 级的角色,但在“巫妖王之怒”中,玩家创建第一个死亡骑士角色将不必考虑这些要求。全新专业技能——铭文——全新专业技能使玩家能够铭刻神秘的雕文,更改法术的技能和属性(冷却时间、伤害等),还能制作强大的饰品与副手物品。成就解锁——成就系统即将登陆《魔兽世界》经典怀旧服,玩家的丰功伟绩和英雄壮举将会收获全新的奖励。地下城和团队副本——重温艾卓-尼鲁布和净化斯坦索姆等开创性的 5 人地下城,

Blizzard announced that "Wrath of the Lich King" will be launched globally at 6 a.m. Beijing time on September 27. The video address "Wrath of the Lich King" will bring a series of optimization functions and classic content: the rise of death knight - death knight is the first hero class in world of Warcraft, with an initial level of 55, and you can join any camp. In those days, players could only create one death knight character in each server, and they were required to have a 55 level character in the server, but in "Wrath of the Lich King", players would not have to consider these requirements to create the first death knight character. New professional skills - inscriptions - new professional skills enable players to engrave mysterious glyphs, change spell skills and attributes (cooling time, damage, etc.), and make powerful jewelry and sideline items. Achievement unlock - the achievement system is about to log into the classic nostalgic clothing of world of Warcraft. Players' great achievements and heroic feats will receive new rewards. Dungeons and team dungeons - revisit the groundbreaking 5-person dungeons such as Ezra nerub and purification stansom,

标签: 魔兽世界