新关注 > 信息聚合 > 魔兽世界最新蓝贴 官方回复WOW或将永久取消自由..

魔兽世界最新蓝贴 官方回复WOW或将永久取消自由..

World of Warcraft blue paste official reply or wow will permanently remove free..

2015-05-25 11:57:37来源: 电玩巴士

日前,Polygon对魔兽首席设计师Ion Hazzikostas专访中提到,今后魔兽世界的版本或将全面禁飞一言,引起了轩然大波,美服官方一个讨论贴一天之内引来了150页的声讨,对此我们来看看魔兽社区经理Crithto是怎么答复的吧。

recently, polygon of Warcraft chief designer ion hazzikostas in an interview with mentioned that the future world of Warcraft Version or will be a total ban on flying a word, caused an uproar, the United States service official a discussion posts a day attracted 150 pages of condemnation. For this, we take a look at wow Community Manager Crithto to do in response to the.

标签: 魔兽世界