新关注 > 信息聚合 > 梦幻西游手游天兵与蟠桃童子对比分析


Dream journey tour heavenly and peach boy comparative analysis

2015-05-25 10:47:36来源: 科技讯

梦幻西游手游已经开服已经过去一段时间了,作为老玩家们相信已经开始享受75级召唤兽所来来的快感了,但是现在有越来越多的玩家开始将目光瞄准在80级的召唤兽上。虽然80级召唤兽只有两种,但是不管是在外观上还是在战力上,这两种召唤兽都会给你带来不一样的体验。 【科技讯】5月25日消息,梦幻西...

Fantasy Westward Journey tour has been open for service is over a period of time, as the old players believe have already enjoyed a level 75 summon beast the comings and goings of pleasure, but now there are more and more players began to eye optical aiming at level 80 and summon the beast. Although 80 summon only two, but whether in appearance or in the combat power, the two summon will bring you different experience. [technology] May 25th news, dream west...

标签: 手游 梦幻西游