新关注 > 信息聚合 > MADE IN CHINA 光荣使命倾力打造全套中国造

MADE IN CHINA 光荣使命倾力打造全套中国造

Made in China is a glorious mission effort to create a full set of made in China

2015-05-25 10:47:36来源: 天极网

FPS游戏的魅力在于能让玩家体验到现实中不能体验到的枪战乐趣,更是可以让每一个玩家在游戏中都能玩到只能在电影电视中才能看到的各种枪械武器。《光荣使命》不但秉承了FPS游戏的各种特色,更是倾力为中国玩家打造一种独有的“MADE IN CHINA”的玩法。不同于其他进口的FPS游戏中都是国外...

FPS game charm allows players to experience the reality not to experience the gunfight fun, is can let every player in the game can play can only be seen in the film and television all arms. "Glorious mission," not only adhering to the various characteristics of FPS games, more effort is for the Chinese players to create a unique "made in China" is played. Unlike other imported FPS games are foreign...