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Play devil together! The war "Oriental main battlefield comprehensive building

2015-05-25 17:14:51来源: 多玩游戏

从浴血搏杀的欧洲大陆,到逐岛争夺的太平洋战场;从大漠硝烟的非洲前线,到同仇敌忾的亚洲战区,那一页历史不容忘却。中国第一抗日网游《抗战》东方主战场全面打造,气壮山河的抗日史诗、经典历史战役,海陆空打鬼子! 中国第一抗日网游: 保卫北平 【击沉航母 海陆空三维立体杀鬼子】 千...

from bloody preying on continental Europe, to the island by island for the Pacific battlefield; desert from the smoke of the African front, to the enemy in the Asian theater, the page of history should not be forgotten. China's first Anti Japanese net swims "war" Oriental main battlefield to create a comprehensive, the magnificent epic in the war of resistance against Japan, classic historical battles, land, sea and air play devil! The first Japanese China online: [to defend Beiping three-dimensional and sinking aircraft carrier Kill Devil thousand]...