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Fun new rules! "Dragon Valley" World War II model to adjust to the new

2015-05-25 18:14:20来源: 天极网

大战模式 还记得去年冬天正式开放的《龙之谷》大战模式吗?如今这一风靡全谷的模式在《龙之谷》上周更新的“GO!征服疯鸭王”新版本中再次变身,内容的调整让玩家们能够体验全新的精彩。结束方式再次改变,快节奏注定让玩家争分夺秒。而最终BOSS也将变得更加强大,只有实力强大的玩家才能招架得住。...

World War II model still remember last winter, the official opening of the "Dragon Valley" war? Now this swept the whole valley mode in the Dragon Valley last week to update the GO conquer crazy duck king new version of the new version of the change, the content of the adjustment so that players can experience a new wonderful. The end of the way change again, fast-paced game player destined to seize every minute and second. Eventually BOSS will become more powerful, only powerful game player can withstand. ...

标签: 龙之谷