新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《龙之谷》TS战队演绎《年轻的战场》


"Long Valley" team TS deduction "young battlefield"

2014-12-31 23:00:21来源: 新浪

龙之谷 CGWR 得分 CGWR:24 位 CGWR介绍 《龙之谷》2014年DWC全球总决赛已在美丽的巴厘岛落下帷幕,来自7个国家和地区的八支队伍,为喜爱PVP的谷迷们奉献了一场场精彩的比赛。代表中国出战的“TS”战队,以娴熟的个人技巧和默契的配合,获得了所有选手的认可和热烈的...

Dragon Valley CGWR score of CGWR:24 bit CGWR introduced "Long Valley" in 2014 DWC world finals has ended in the beautiful Bali Island, eight teams from 7 countries and regions, dedicated to a field of great game for love the valleys of the PVP fans. On behalf of China played "TS" team, to match the skilled personal skills and understanding, have all the players accepted and warm...

标签: 龙之谷