新关注 > 信息聚合 > 继续背锅?专访鬼蟹:LOL我依旧是一个合格的MT


Continue back pot? Interview with the ghost crab: lol I still is a qualified MT

2015-05-25 11:18:46来源: 178游戏网


the lira in "world of Warcraft" as the producer of hatred in the world since joining the League of legends developer RiotGames (hereinafter referred to as lol and fist), seems to be low-key a lot. He's the ghost crab.. Although you can still in the forum to see him and players tangled balance and hero bug, but more often he was as "evaporate" I do not know to engage in what the mysterious project (perhaps is a new hero icon). No...

标签: LOL