新关注 > 信息聚合 > 梦幻西游手游520缘定三生喜结良缘结婚系统


Fantasy Westward Journey Travel 520 Serai tertiary marriage marriage system

2015-05-25 11:15:16来源: 天极网

在520代表我爱你的这美好的一天,无数的单身汪们翘首期盼能够摆脱单身。虽然现实中有诸多不如意,但是梦幻西游还是给我们提供了完美的平台~那么在520这一天,结婚系统正式开启,单身汪们如果要摆脱孤单一人的状态就要趁现在了哟~ 【结婚条件】 游戏中尚未结婚的一对男女玩家;需要相互友好度...

at 520 representative I love you this beautiful day, many single Wang who eagerly look forward to to get rid of single. Although in reality there are many unsatisfactory, but Fantasy Westward Journey, or give us provides perfect platform ~ so at 520 this day, marriage system officially opened, single Wang who if to get rid of the lonely people to while now yo ~ [marriage conditions] game has not been married a couple of players; the need for mutual friendly degrees.

标签: 手游 梦幻西游