新关注 > 信息聚合 > 进航空班需转椅上旋转45圈 不能呕吐不能退场

进航空班需转椅上旋转45圈 不能呕吐不能退场

Into the air to swivel chair 45 revolutions cannot vomit not exit

2015-05-09 07:57:09来源: 半岛网

半岛都市报5月8日讯(记者 魏海洋) 今年,山东省实验中学开办航空实验班,第一年招生面向除滨州市外的全省各市。这个创新性的招生形式也吸引了不少岛城初中生报考,5月5日至11日,将对通过初选的考生进行...

Peninsula Metropolis Daily May 8 hearing (reporter Wei Haiyang) this year, Shandong Province experiment middle school opened air experimental class, the first year enrollment for in addition to Binzhou outside of the municipalities in the province. This innovative forms of enrollment has also attracted a lot of Daocheng junior high school students enter oneself for an examination, 5 to 11 may, through the primary candidates for...