要想知道女生瘦腿的最快方法,首先要找出自己腿粗的原因,对症瘦腿更有效。 (一)全身肥胖,脂肪多,直接导致腿粗肥大,这是大部分腿粗的原因; (二)日常生活中的一些坏习惯,导致腿部血液循环不畅,腿水肿臃肿: 1.饭后经常坐 2.喜欢翘脚 3.不喜欢做运动或讨厌走路的人 ...
to know girls stovepipe, first of all to find out why they Tuicu, symptomatic stovepipe more effective. (a) whole body fat, fat, directly leading to the legs thick, this is the reason for most of the legs thick, (two) some bad habits in daily life, resulting in poor blood circulation in the legs, swollen legs edema: 1 after dinner often sit 2 like to do sports or to get tired of walking...