新关注 > 信息聚合 > 不止是防水 Comet手机还会自己浮起来

不止是防水 Comet手机还会自己浮起来

Is not only waterproof comet phone also own floating up

2015-06-11 05:52:33来源: 中关村在线

中关村在线消息:日前,一家名为Comet Core的加州公司打算开始研发一款充满科幻色彩的手机“Comet”,它哪里科幻?它能浮在水面上。 Comet手机(图片引自cometcore) 日常生...

Zhongguancun Online News: Recently, a name for comet core California company plans to began the development of a full color science fiction phone "comet", it where science fiction? It can float on the surface. Comet mobile phone (picture taken from cometcore daily)...