新关注 > 信息聚合 > 湖南卫视节目“朋友圈”引关注 婚纱秀将上荧屏

湖南卫视节目“朋友圈”引关注 婚纱秀将上荧屏

22, Hunan Satellite TV program "circle of friends" directs the attention to wedding dress show will be on September China News Network

2015-09-22 13:19:11来源: 中国新闻网

中新网9月22日电 近日,湖南卫视新节目《三里屯的朋友圈》引发关注,作为婚礼策划公司董事,买超不惜广邀朋友全程操办,以一场大秀加入节目,将美轮美奂的画面搬上荧屏。 据了解买超是此次新节目《三里屯...

recently, Hunan TV new program "in Sanlitun circle of friends" caused concern, as wedding planning company directors, buy Super willing to invite friends to operate throughout, to join the program at a show, move the beautiful picture on the screen. It is understood that the new program is the new program, Sanlitun...