新关注 > 信息聚合 > 一分钱一分货?千元机与旗舰机屏幕对比


you get what you pay for? Thousand Yuan machine compared with the flagship of the screen

2016-06-02 08:33:51来源: IT168

【IT168 评测】随着手机行业的竞争日益激烈,手机市场早已经过了硬件配置竞争的时代,八核处理器、大运存大内存这些元素在千元机里面也变得十分常见,可以说现在的千元价位的手机不管是在配置上还是体验上都...

IT168 evaluation With the increasingly fierce competition in the mobile phone industry, the mobile phone market has already passed the hardware configuration of the era of competition, eight-core processor, large memory, large memory on these elements in the thousands inside the machine has become very common, it can be said now thousand dollars in the price of the phone, whether or experience on the configurations ...