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手机也玩微距 OPPO R7超级微距功能试玩

Mobile phone with macro oppo R7 super macro function demo

2015-07-11 21:35:03来源: IT168

【IT168 资讯】比起宏观世界的庞大来说,微观世界也有着自己的美,拿相机和手机将其记录下来那是再好不过了。不过一般来说,普通数码相机或者智能手机的微距拍摄都有限制,最近微距一般都在8~10cm左右...

[IT168 information] than large macroscopic world, micro world also has a its own beauty, with cameras and mobile phones will record that is finally over. But generally speaking, the ordinary digital camera or smartphone macro shooting are restricted, the recent macro are generally in about 8 ~ 10cm...