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那个让汪峰激动得脱衣服的歌手 你认出来了吗

That makes clothes singer Wang Feng excited Detuo you recognize yet

2016-07-24 08:57:43来源: 杭州网

他叫刘文天,曾经是南山路火知了酒吧的当家驻唱 前晚登上《中国新歌声》,一曲《梦回唐朝》让全场嗨了 刘文天的现场很带感 文天如今在呼和浩特开的大卫酒吧 “他就是冠军,不用比了”、“太牛...

He called Liu days, once the fire Nanshan Road cicadas singing in the bar last night headed to board the "China's new song," song "Menghuitangzhao" let the audience hey-day site of Liu Wen is with a sense of days now in Hohhot David opened the bar, "he is the champion, not more than," and "too much bad ...