新关注 > 信息聚合 > FDA 为促进罕见病药物开发拟对 18 项研究提供 1..

FDA 为促进罕见病药物开发拟对 18 项研究提供 1..

FDA to promote the development of drugs for rare diseases intends to 18 studies provide 1..

2015-09-25 20:26:57来源: 丁香园

美国FDA 为 18 个新的研究项目提供了逾 1900 万美元的经费,以鼓励用于罕见病患者的产品开发。「FDA 具有独特的地位,它可以提供重要的激励措施来促进产品的开发,帮助那些遭受罕见病的患者,其...

FDA 18 new research project provides more than $19 million in funding, to encourage the development of products for rare diseases. "FDA has a unique position, it can provide important incentives to promote the development of the product, to help those suffering from rare diseases, and its...