新关注 > 信息聚合 > 留学生想参加大学生联赛 帅气长相走红(图)

留学生想参加大学生联赛 帅气长相走红(图)

Students who want to take part in the University League handsome looks red (Figure)

2015-03-28 20:57:15来源: 新浪

留学生勾勾 新浪体育讯 日前一名ID为贸大勾勾的留学生在微博上走红,因想参加大学生足球联赛,但遭到主办方拒绝,他在微博写出自己的遭遇。在不到一天的时间内,勾勾的这条微博被转发超过一万次,很多网友...

students check before a ID for students in trade gogo micro-blog became popular, because want to join the football league, but was refused he micro-blog organizers, to write their own experience. In less than a day's time, this micro-blog gogo was forwarded more than ten thousand times, a lot of friends...