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Graduation season show comparisons of the wind is not desirable

2015-06-29 09:49:08来源: 人民网

眼下正是高校的毕业季,“毕业旅行”“毕业聚餐”“拍几套不同着装的毕业照”各式各样的毕业“仪式”在大学校园里轮番上演,让人眼花缭乱。但是,对于没有固定收入的毕业生而言,这些代表着毕业狂欢的“仪式”背后,是一笔数目不小的开支。 时代的发展为毕业季的消费提供了经济支撑。中国高校传媒联盟开展...

now is the season of high school graduates, graduation trip "Graduation Dinner" "shoot several sets of different dress graduation according to" all kinds of "graduation ceremony" turns staged in the university campus, make a person dazzling. But for graduates who have no fixed income, these represent the "ceremony" of the graduation carnival, is a large sum of money. The development of the times provides the economic support for the consumption of the graduation season. China University Media Alliance development...