新关注 > 信息聚合 > 一份乏善可陈的高校就业率排行榜


A poor employment of colleges and universities rankings

2015-01-21 10:07:47来源: 人民网

原标题:一份乏善可陈的高校就业率排行榜 近日,一份名为《75所教育部直属高校就业率排行》的榜单,被网友转发且评论得相当火热。这是某网站教育频道根据教育部直属的75所高校相继发布的2014年毕业生就业质量年度报告,整理汇总出的75所部属高校本科毕业生就业率排名。 单从就业率统计本身...

The original title: a poor employment of colleges and universities ranking Recently, a called 75 colleges and universities directly under the ministry of education employment ranking list, forward and comments by netizens quite hot. This is a website education channel according to the 75 colleges and universities directly under the ministry of education has been in the annual report in 2014 graduate employment quality, tidy up 75 affiliated universities graduate employment rate. Single from employment statistics itself...