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荒野之怒 永恒之塔国服精灵星对战合辑

The wild fury aion national costume wizard Star battle collection

2016-01-01 23:15:22来源: 多玩游戏

祝大家新年快乐,事事顺心。觉醒、突破叮叮叮五连上。 本来打算好好做一个视频的,临时接到通知要去参加培训,不得不连夜赶工,满满的眼泪。 256G的固态太坑爹,素材好少好少,看官们将就的看看吧。...

I wish you a happy new year and everything goes well. The awakening, break even five ding. Had intended to do a good job of a video, temporary received a notice to take part in the training, have night rush and full of tears. 256G solid material too cheating, good little less good, the reader will see. ...