新关注 > 信息聚合 > 汕头国际眼科中心进藏三年为4000藏民治疗眼疾


Shantou international ophthalmology center to Tibet for three years, 4000 tibetans eye disease treatment

2016-09-07 05:50:15来源: 中国经济导报

中国经济导报中国发展网 记者罗勉 近三年来,汕头国际眼科中心携手中国眼科医师志愿者多次登上雪域高原,将防盲扶持火种撒向“世界屋脊”。五千公里进藏路,是汕头国际眼科人心中最神圣的天路。他们把先进的眼科...

China economic review China development network The reporter Luo Mian In recent three years, shantou international eye center, hand in hand China ophthalmologist volunteers repeatedly boarded the snow area plateau will blindness fire support to the "roof of the world. The Tibet road five thousand kilometers, is the shantou international ophthalmology in man's most sacred days. They put the advanced eye...