新关注 > 信息聚合 > “乌金之乡”到“夜市之城” 新密市玩的啥花样

“乌金之乡”到“夜市之城” 新密市玩的啥花样

"Sharply" to "city" night market xinmi play what pattern

2016-06-21 08:11:24来源: 大河网

每天晚上,新密这处夜市生意都十分火爆,其中不少顾客是专程从郑州赶过来的 河南商报记者 邓飞/摄 编者按 夜市是一个城市的另一面。当夕阳西下,城市的活力却不会随着夜幕的降临而消退。 对...

Every night, new ones is very hot in the night market business, which is was coming from zhengzhou to many customers Henan business newspaper reporters Deng fei/taken note is a night market on the other side of the city. When the sun sets, the city's lively but will not fade with the coming of the night. For...