新关注 > 信息聚合 > 张雨绮36D演绎“大胸也时髦”


Kitty zhang 36 d deductive "big chest also fashionable"

2016-02-18 01:54:24来源: 中国青年网

美人鱼里,张雨绮最难得。 天生豪乳,戏服艳俗,搔首弄姿却并不太刻意,眉眼间又有一股英气。 都说声音是败笔,但生涩味道,带点江南口音,比字正腔圆来得娇俏些。 很明显啊,若兰是喷薄而出的尤物...

The little mermaid, the most rare Kitty zhang. Born hao milk, costume gaudy, posing but not too deliberate, and between eyebrow eye has a heroic spirit. All say voice is failure, but the astringent taste, jiangnan accent, than clear pronunciation and mellow voice charming is spruce. Obviously, if is bursting out of the fuck...