新关注 > 信息聚合 > 广西推进可再生能源建筑应用成效显著


The effect was obvious in guangxi to promote renewable energy building applications

2017-02-03 03:59:21来源: 人民网广西视窗

人民网南宁2月2日电 在广西百色市龙景初中的图书馆与行政楼内,一年四季都有着根据气候变化而持续供应的冷热空调,在宿舍楼里生活的3552名学生,每日都能享受到近142吨的生活热水,这些都得益于一种名叫...

On February 2 (xinhua) in People's Daily online nanning guangxi baise Long Jing junior high school of library and in the administration building, with all the year round, according to climate change and continuous supply of hot and cold air conditioning, 3552 students in the dorm life, every day can enjoy nearly 142 tons of hot water, these all benefit from a named...