新关注 > 信息聚合 > 穆帅1语暗示或放行鲁尼投中超 恒大砸70万周薪

穆帅1语暗示或放行鲁尼投中超 恒大砸70万周薪

Mourinho 1 language hint or release Rooney hit the super Hengda hit 700 thousand.

2017-01-23 14:57:00来源: 搜狐

穆帅放行鲁尼去中超 凭借着鲁尼的任意球压哨破门,曼联1-1惊险战平斯托克城,保住了17场正赛不败。需要指出的是,这个进球是鲁尼职业生涯第250次为曼联建功,从而超越了名宿博比-查尔顿爵士,成为红...

Mourinho with super Rooney to release Rooney's free kick to break the buzzer, Manchester United 1-1 thrilling draw with Storck City, to keep the 17 race unbeaten. It is necessary to point out that this goal is Rooney occupation career 250th times for United accomplishment, which transcends the legend Sir Bobby Charlton, become red...