新关注 > 信息聚合 > 姚晨怀二胎还穿恨天高 孕期怎样做到光彩照人

姚晨怀二胎还穿恨天高 孕期怎样做到光彩照人

Yao Chenhuai second child also wear heels Shine pregnant how to do

2016-05-05 15:59:53来源: 新浪

这一周是有没有被美丽的星妈妈姚晨圈粉呢。以后除了时装周和红毯,连电影宣传都是战场啊,真是每一件衣服都不能马虎,做一个明星好难,做一个明星妈妈更加地难。 这身简约黑裙加细高跟鞋,显得曲线动人,作为一个已经怀了二胎的妈妈,太敬业了。 这几双平底鞋就显得舒适多了,搭配时而复古时而学院的...

This week is to have the stars are beautiful mother yao ring powder? In addition to fashion week, and after the red carpet, even the movie propaganda is the battlefield, is each piece of clothes can't careless, it's really difficult to be a star, a star mother more difficult to do. This simple black dress with stilettos, appear curve and moving, has been pregnant with two children as a mother, too professional. This pair of flat shoes is more comfortable, collocation alternately restoring ancient ways and college...