新关注 > 信息聚合 > 联想IdeaPad 710S-13 报价4652元

联想IdeaPad 710S-13 报价4652元

Lenovo IdeaPad s - 13 offer $710 to $4652

2017-08-05 10:18:20来源: 中关村在线

【中关村在线兰州行情】2017年8月4日,联想IdeaPad 710S(i5/4GB/128GB)不但外观轻薄,更兼具强大的处理能力,采用英特尔第六代Skylake酷睿i5处理器,配备4G内存+256G固态硬盘,处理图片、视频等大型文件无压力,多任务处理时顺畅切换,充分满足重度办公需求。...

Zhongguancun online lanzhou market 】 【 on August 4, 2017, lenovo IdeaPad 710 s (i5/4 gb / 128 gb) not only look thin, more with strong processing capacity, use the sixth generation Intel Skylake core i5 processor, equipped with 4 g + 256 g memory SSD, processing images, video and other large files without pressure, smooth switch when multitasking, fully meet the demand of heavy work. ...