新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中国国际超级少儿模特才艺大赛上演亲子秀


China International Super children model talent show staged parent-child show

2017-08-05 23:09:18来源: 中国新闻网

参与互动 爷爷奶奶陪同走台。 泱波 摄 8月5日,参加模特比赛的小选手和家人同台走秀。当日,2017第六届SKMD中国国际超级少儿模特才艺大赛全国总决赛在南京国际青年会议中心举行,来自全国各...

Participate in interaction, Grandpa and grandma accompanied by taiwan. Yang Bo, August 5th, the small contestants and family members of the model competition on the same stage. On the same day, 2017, the Sixth China SKMD international super children model talent competition national finals was held in Nanjing International Youth Conference Center, from all over the country...