新关注 > 信息聚合 > 劫匪抢劫反遭母女取枪反击 身中数枪被迫离开求医

劫匪抢劫反遭母女取枪反击 身中数枪被迫离开求医

Was the robber robbed the mother and daughter take a gun back and forced to leave his doctor of a gun

2018-02-26 10:21:37来源: 网易新闻


Future net burning news, Oklahoma, a wine shop on Thursday by a thief armed robbery, responsible for the spread of the mother and daughter struggle to resist, pulled out a gun and the other party, the people once in the store, close combat, process. Injured body tyrone more guns in the last to leave, driving to the hospital doctor, believe and not life-threatening. Although Tina head cuts needed stitches, she said, wanted to protect her daughter.