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徐海乔女友程小蒙家庭背景惊人 李易峰为其痛哭

Xu Haiqiao's girlfriend Cheng Xiaomeng's family background is amazing Li Yifeng crying for him

2017-03-24 23:16:35来源: 国际在线

程小蒙是李易峰的前女友,在李易峰爆红后,她也被推上热搜。不过这都是往事了,如今的程小蒙的男友据说是徐海乔,两人约会证据曝光,让人大吃一惊。 前几天刚刚收官的《热血长安》第一季,徐海乔饰演的男一号萨摩多罗,和女三号谭双叶程小蒙竟然被曝恋情!“萨摩叶”CP终成正果!又一对儿因戏生情的情侣...

Cheng Xiaomeng is Li Yifeng's ex girlfriend, and after Li Yifeng's burst of red, she was also pushed into the hot search. But this is the past, and now Cheng Xiaomeng's boyfriend is said to be Xu Haiqiao, two people dating evidence exposing, a surprise. Just a few days before ending the "blood of Changan" first season, Xu Haiqiao played the male and female, Samoduoluo, No. three Tan Shuangye Cheng Xiaomeng actually traced romance! "Samoye" CP eventually became immortal! And a pair of lovers love for drama...