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日内瓦车展 ABB新车前瞻

The Geneva motor show ABB prospective new car

2018-02-24 14:05:50来源: 凤凰汽车

刚过了年,拥有着 国际汽车潮流风向标 之称的日内瓦车展即将与各位车友们见面,那么这场在欧洲每年一度举办的大型车展上到底有什么新车值得咱们关注呢?车镜这就先带车友们先去摸摸底。在动力方面,新车预计将搭载1.5L、2.0L涡轮增压发动机,其中高功版2.0T发动机最大功率185kW,峰值扭矩3...

Just over the years, with the international trend of auto weather vane of the Geneva motor show the drivers to meet with you, so this once a year in Europe held large auto show what's new car is worth our attention? The car mirror it first with drivers, first to touch the bottom. In terms of power, a new car is expected to pick up 1.5 L and 2.0 L turbocharged engine, in which wireless version 2.0 T engine maximum power 185 kw, peak torque 3...