新关注 > 信息聚合 > 未来智能厨房什么样?10款新武器亮相


The future intelligent kitchen? 10 new weapons

2017-01-27 03:25:51来源: TechWeb

下面,一起来看看市场中先进的厨房小工具,它们显然是智能厨房的未来。 1.Barisieur咖啡闹钟 咖啡闹钟 这款咖啡闹钟由JoshRenouf设计,主打“让咖啡香味叫醒你”的奇妙体验。晚上...

Here, take a look at the market advanced kitchen gadgets, they're obviously intelligent kitchen of the future. 1. Barisieur coffee alarm clock Coffee alarm clock The coffee, the alarm clock designed by JoshRenouf flagship "wake you make coffee fragrance" the wonderful experience. In the evening...