新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新千年冒险传说《战神觉醒》今日留档开测


The new millennium adventure legend "ares awakening today's file open test flying

2015-05-27 20:22:32来源: 07073游戏网

仲盟沙漠的疾风飞驰得再远,也快不过战士出鞘的刀。法玛大陆的传说再动听,也光辉不过英雄创下的荣耀。新的千年,世纪之光再临大地。37《战神觉醒》今日留档开测,冒险传说将重新谱写。热血、鏖战、魔兽!将再次造就你的征服之路!打开记忆的匣子,让我们重返战场! 【帝王一怒 伏尸百万】 帝王归天...

Zhong Meng desert winds again far and fast but warriors unsheathe the sword. The legend of the beautiful, Fama, but also the glorious record of the glory of the hero. The new millennium, century light earth return. 37 "God of war awakening" today leave file to open, adventure legend will be re write. Blood, engage in fierce battle, world of Warcraft! Will once again bring up your way to conquer! Open the memory box, let us return to the battlefield. [the emperor angry fell dead in the million] emperor died...