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快来抢钱 爽服新区支付宝红包送10万现金

Come on rob cool clothes new Alipay red envelopes to send 100000 cash

2015-03-16 21:26:34来源: 游久网

本文来源于征途2官网,作者:,更多精彩欢迎进入征途兔之窝参与交流 亲爱的玩家朋友: 《征途2》爽服将于3月20日17:00正式跟大家见面,除了上线即200级满级,送全套带星神武装备外,《征途2》...

this paper originates from the journey of 2 official website, the author, more exciting journey: welcome to participate in the rabbit nest game player friends dear: "Journey 2" cool clothes will be on March 20th 17:00 officially meet with you, in addition to the line that is 200 full class, send a full set of equipment with the star Kami Take 2, "journey"...