新关注 > 信息聚合 > Altec加入NRG成首发AD 与GBM和Impact成队友

Altec加入NRG成首发AD 与GBM和Impact成队友

Altec join NRG teammates

2015-11-18 14:38:46来源: 电玩巴士

"Altec",原名Johnny Ru,于1997年5月在温哥华出生,他8岁开始接触电子游戏,包括MMORPG类游戏,很早便展露了不凡的天赋。英雄联盟是他接触的第一个MOBA类游 戏。他最早于2012年加入了vVv战队,此后短暂效力于Curse Academy战队,在Gravity战队时...

Altec first ad and GBM and impact, formerly known as Johnny Ru, in May 1997 in Vancouver was born, he 8-year-old began contacting electronic games, including the MMORPG game early to expose the extraordinary talent. Hero League is his first contact with the MOBA class tour. The earliest in 2012 he joined the vVv team, then briefly played for the Curse Academy team, Gravity in the Marines...