新关注 > 信息聚合 > 吴镇宇老婆揭开神秘面纱 正面近照曝光

吴镇宇老婆揭开神秘面纱 正面近照曝光

Wu Zhenyu's wife opened the mysterious veil positive photo exposure

2014-08-07 04:39:33来源: 中国青年网

费曼妈妈(右一) 节目组仅曝光其侧面 五位妈妈中,费曼妈妈最神秘 吴镇宇和老婆的结婚旧照 在上周的《爸爸去哪儿2》中,预告了下一期妈妈们将去探班的场景,近日节目组更曝光妈妈们到达现场后的照片。不过吴镇宇老婆王丽萍仍未揭下神秘面纱,仅仅露出些许侧脸。不过有粉丝早扒到蛛丝马迹,发现...

mother Feynman (right) shows only exposure on the side of five mothers, mother Feynman's mysterious Wu Zhenyu and wife marry old photos in last week's "where daddy went to 2", notice the mom next period are going to set the scene recently, show more exposure mother arrived at the scene photos. But Wu Zhenyu wife Wang Liping had still not uncover the mystery, only to reveal a little face. But there are fans early to pick traces, found...