新关注 > 信息聚合 > 名宿:穆帅今年想夺冠需要魔法 能拿前四就很满意

名宿:穆帅今年想夺冠需要魔法 能拿前四就很满意

Legend: jose mourinho wanted to win this year need to get our first four magic is satisfied

2016-07-14 11:24:31来源: 网易

网易体育7月14日报道: 据《进球网》消息,在接受英国BBC采访时,曼联名宿安迪-科尔公然看低红魔在新赛季的夺冠前景,他认为曼联取得赛季前四名就是非常理想的成绩。 穆里尼奥已经开始带队训练,在这...

On July 14, netease sports coverage: according to the goal net, in an interview with the BBC, Manchester united legend Andy cole openly despise the reds' title prospects in the new season, he believes Manchester united season's top four is ideal achievements. Jose mourinho has already begun to lead training, in this...